September 25, 2024

Why 9 out of 10 first-home buyers use a mortgage broker

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Remember the first time you stepped into a gym? It’s unlikely you swaggered your way over to the free weights rack and started busting out squats. Well, it turns out buying your first home can be just as daunting, with 91% of first-home buyers turning to a mortgage broker for guidance.

Remember the first time you stepped into a gym? It’s unlikely you swaggered your way over to the free weights rack and started busting out squats. Well, it turns out buying your first home can be just as daunting, with 91% of first-home buyers turning to a mortgage broker for guidance.

When it comes to financial decisions, they don’t come much bigger than buying a home.

So it’s no wonder that plenty of first-home buyers feel a mix of nerves and excitement.

It’s also understandable that more than one-in-two first-home buyers feel the need for support throughout the home-buying process.

And for nine out of ten first-home buyers, that valuable support comes from a mortgage broker, according to a recent report by lenders’ mortgage insurance (LMI) provider, Helia.

How a mortgage broker helps

Finding a home you like is just part of the home-buying equation.

Identifying a home loan that is right for your needs, with a competitive rate, completes the picture.

But without skilled help this can be easier said than done.

The Helia survey found close to half (45%) of first-home buyers find it difficult to research which loans are right for them. More than one-in-two (52%) anticipate challenges in obtaining the loan they need.

This is where mortgage brokers can help.

We spend time getting to know you and your financial needs. This allows us to narrow down the choice of home loans that may be a good match for your needs.

We also know what lenders look for when they approve a home loan.

We can explain whether you’re home loan ready right now, or discuss the steps you can take to help pave the way for home loan approval in the future.

Better yet, we’ll stay in touch to offer tips and encouragement along the way.

We’re about more than a home loan

The benefits of a mortgage broker go beyond helping you land a home loan.

According to Helia’s study, first-home buyers say mortgage brokers:

– help home buyers understand their financial situation and borrowing power
– provide valuable support, guidance and expertise throughout the complex buying journey
– help save you time and effort.

We can also tap into our wealth of experience to suggest strategies and schemes you may not have considered, such as rentvesting, having a close relative act as a guarantor for your home loan, or the federal government’s 5% deposit First Home Guarantee scheme.

After all, there are multiple pathways to home ownership, and options such as rentvesting can open up new suburbs for you to buy in, while letting you live in the location of your choice.

Get in touch with us today to find out more.

Disclaimer: The content of this article is general in nature and is presented for informative purposes. It is not intended to constitute tax or financial advice, whether general or personal nor is it intended to imply any recommendation or opinion about a financial product. It does not take into consideration your personal situation and may not be relevant to circumstances. Before taking any action, consider your own particular circumstances and seek professional advice. This content is protected by copyright laws and various other intellectual property laws. It is not to be modified, reproduced or republished without prior written consent.

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